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jungle-by-the-sea nights
    sleep warmly in my moonbowl
   an airy broth of
     soundquiet dying
        darklight birthing
           swirlingstill breathing

holding my moonbowl
in cupped hands
     fullofmoon tugs at my belly
       palm breezes enfold me
    in a seashawl
           cricket secrets
              in my ear
           lambent starlight settles
      soft kisses
   upon my brow

when comes
    the dawn of morning
I bathe
   holding my moonbowl in
      upstretched arms
          pouring warm jungle nights
      over my head
             to wash through my hair
         and wet my face

droplets form
   on goldenred curls
      and ebonyblack lashes
to rain below
    upon the waking jungle
shimmering droplets
    shining with newsun rainbows
         dancing in a swan dive
                   to the jungle floor
            warmnight droplets
       freshening its loamy soil



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